How to Download Oculus Quest 2 Videos To Your Computer

So you’ve hit the record button inside your quest 2 head set and saved some incredible gameplay footage of your 5 under par round on Quixote valley on walkabout mini golf or that sweet video of you speed running I expect you to die, okay sorry sorry sorry I won’t spoil that for you, but now its time to go download your gameplay file to your computer so you can make a sick edit with it.

Lets start here, you need to have sidequest installed on your computer and enabled in your headset. If you have sidequest set up already skip on down to the section below and if you don’t have it set up lets get that taken care of.

get all the dirty work out of the way by first enabling dev mode on your headset. Head over to and  sign up using your facebook / oculus account and then head to 

You’ll first need to verify your account by adding a credit card or a mobile phone number, I suggest using a phone number and if you want to stay private get yourself a google voice number. And thats my elliott alderson mr robot tip of the day.

Once verified Click the back to home button and create your fake dev organization by entering any name in the text box on the right for example say something like Zuck Daddy then click the understand check box and submit. Then pretend to read the disclosure agreement and hit agree. I promise this will all be worth it!

Whip out your phone and open the oculus app tap on the menu burger and then devices and then scroll down to developer mode under headset settings and then enable the toggle switch.

Jaunty on over to your computer and head to and at the top click get sidequest. Download the version that works with your operating system and then install it. If you are on windows you will have the added joy of downloading the developer drivers from oculus:

If you are on mac you are good to go, on PC you will need to unzip the drivers install file and then open the usb drivers folder and then inside choose the file android_winusb.inf right click and install and then give yourself a fist bump we are almost done.

Time to make the sacred connection. Open the sidequest app on your computer and plugin your quest to your pc. Then inside the headset choose allow usb debugging and access to data. Now you can remove your headset and you will see in the top left corner of the sidequest app the icon is now green and you are connected.

Download Quest 2 Videos in SideQuest
Okay now that sidequest is set up on your Quest 2 connect it to your computer by the way this works on both pc and mac. Load up SQ and make sure the dot up in the left hand corner is green and then on the top right click the folder icon, scroll down to the folder named oculus then to videoshots and booya your files are there for the picking. Save your file by clicking the old school floppy disk icon and proceed to select where you want to save it and there you have it.