How To Play Nock: Beginners Guide, Tips and Tricks

A quick beginners guide and tutorial for Knock, now out on the Meta Quest 2. Tips and tricks to make you better in Knock, the rocket league of VR.

So here ladies and questlmen is nock. A competitive first person bow and arrow ball shooter soccer game from the creators of Half and Half. The movement in the game is incredibly fluid fun and the game loop is real addicting so lets jump in.

When you start you can choose to put the bow in either your right or left hand so for this guide we will have our character be a right handed archer. Starting with movement using your left bow hand engane the grip button on the controller and you can glide your way around the arena. Fairly similar to gorilla tag. 

Now with your right hand use the grip button to pretty much pull the arena around you and best of all jump. To jump all you need to do is while holding the grip button you can sling your arm down to jump into the air just like mario you can double jump into oblivion.


Let’s talk shooting. As you can see just to the inside of your bow hand there are three circles that represent how many arrows you have in your wiggly quiver. Holding the trigger button on the hand opposite of the bow you can pull back your string and let that arrow fly. Once you run out of arrows you will need to traverse the map hitting the green dots laying around to refill your ammo. You will notice some are on the ground and some are in the air. Also, a few have three arrows, so put those in your memory when you are in a desperate situation.You get three arrows to start with and unfortunately you can’t stockpile more than three at a time.

You can change your arrow to a defensive block by hitting the a or if you are a lefty the x button on your string hand while your arrow is in the air to create a block to use in case your opponent is getting too close to your goal. These are a fun way to make your opponent made and why this game is easy to learn but hard to master.

Quick Tips:

Speaking of mastering Let’s hit a few quick tips that will help you in nock

This one is fairly obvious but figured I should point it out anyway, make sure to notice the green arrow cone that shows up letting you know where the ball is when it is out of your sight as well as the circle surrounding it. The circle lets you know how close the ball is to you.

If you are looking for max velocity on the ball try and hit it in directly in the center, you’ll notice as you play more that off center hits usually don’t push the ball forward very much.

If the ball is moving at a fast enough speed it will turn red and if you hit the ball while it is red into an opponent it will kill them like in rocket league for about 5 seconds.

Fun fact you can run into the ball and move it or block it with your body, just of course make sure its not red of course. Honestly I kinda hope they turn that into a gametype in the future, kinda like slappers only on goldeneye but with a ball. We shall see.

A good tip for movement is to remember you can keep your arrow pulled back and ready to fire even while you move throughout the arena.

Lastly when you shoot your arrows and they hit the ball you’ll see a +1 that means that arrow goes back into your arsenal so do your best to always hit the ball so you don’t run out of those precious arrows.

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