I don’t think it’s a mistake Jesus put these two back to back. These are probably the two hardest things for most and definitely myself. 

Casting judgement is so easy in today’s world it’s almost just a natural reaction and it takes a focused aware…

I don’t think it’s a mistake Jesus put these two back to back. These are probably the two hardest things for most and definitely myself.

Casting judgement is so easy in today’s world it’s almost just a natural reaction and it takes a focused awareness to recognize when it is happening and choosing to fight against it. [Maybe start with small steps to create not judging as a habit. I’m gonna start by watching shows like the voice where that is all it is and work on finding the good in each performance rather than pointing out all the bad.]

In this season it is easy to give but through out life in seasons of financial struggle I’ve always found that giving always leads to a greater blessing. It’s promised right here from the mouth of Jesus that our giving will be returned and then some. [Set up an automatic giving to your church or sponsor a child in need to create a routine of giving without even thinking about it and trust in the Lord to provide]

Thanks for reading my thoughts today. I decided to start putting in practical applications with these verses for myself to do more than just read the word but be the word. I fall short constantly but I feel that’s because I’m not doing just listening and today I’m going to change that.

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